Sunday Apr 13 2025 12:38
Slope Rating : 128
£42 Inc Coffee/Tea Bacon roll
Sandwell Park Golf Club
Birmingham Road
West Bromwich
B71 4JJ
0121 553 4637
Website# | Yards | Par | SI |
1 | 424 | 4 | 12 |
2 | 417 | 4 | 8 |
3 | 396 | 4 | 4 |
4 | 184 | 3 | 14 |
5 | 476 | 5 | 2 |
6 | 511 | 5 | 6 |
7 | 151 | 3 | 18 |
8 | 300 | 4 | 16 |
9 | 345 | 4 | 10 | 3204 | 36 |
# | Yards | Par | SI |
10 | 481 | 5 | 11 |
11 | 279 | 4 | 17 |
12 | 176 | 3 | 7 |
13 | 400 | 4 | 3 |
14 | 374 | 4 | 13 |
15 | 389 | 4 | 1 |
16 | 172 | 3 | 15 |
17 | 354 | 4 | 5 |
18 | 375 | 4 | 9 | 3000 | 35 |
Adam Byfield (20.9)
Craig O'Mahony (14.6)
Dave Wrafter (17.5)
Lee Rogers (16.8) + 1
Mick O'Connor (24.4)
Paul O'Mahony (23)
Pete Sears (23.9)
Robin Allison (9.7)
Ross Harris (21.9)
Scott Collingwood (12)
Stuart Lister (17.2)
Tony Doyle (19.8) + 1
Wayne Rogers (10.4) + 1
Attending: 13 Members & 3 Guests
Woker of the week. | Sunday 23/03/25
Well, there was a lot to takeaway from yesterday's season opener but mainly was the fact that it was like a shit version of Friends Reunited.
In what should a concern to all of us is that there appears to be some attempt by the Harrisons and Rogers of this world to take over the society from within, on the plus side is that the new guys appear to be far more personable than the scummers who we've had to endure for years now. Swings. Roundabouts.
Right, lets just get on with it. Jimmy H is a twat. Not only did he forget the nearest pins causing much consternation and disruption to all of our concentration. He also forgot to bring the money for them causing much consternation to Steve Fuller. Swings. Roundabouts. No excuses Jimbo and don't try to blame Wrafterman, we know what happened.
Normally I'd be listing out the runners and riders at this stage but we all know what occurred yesterday and in another takeaway moment, and I quote Mr Butlin, "Jimmy got slapped about by the society bandit". You there to WIN Jimmy not to 'protect' your score on the 18th by taking a 7 iron off the tee. This is a move not even Mr Lowe would stoop to and it's obviously bullshit as we all know you've got no more clue as to where your 7 irons going than you do for any of your bats. So park your woke ideas, its not about taking part. Poor poor form.
In other news Wayne got slapped about by the society mullet. Absolutely classic! Wayne got beat by a man with half his head missing.
And WTF with the cards! Clark, Ross, James & Dave Field, Wayne, John and Wrafter all got their cards wrong and I couldn't even read Tom's. It's not hard is it? C'mon lads do me a favour and spend 30 seconds checking your cards please. Just 30 seconds, unless Tony Doyle is involved and then it could be a bit longer.
Anyway, love you Jimmy. Thanks for stepping up.
Weekend away 2025 | Tuesday 14/01/25
As promised, here's some more details for the weekend away.
The dates are the 22nd - 24th August @ Ullesthorpe.
Cost for a shared room is £279 (per person obvs) with a single room being £374 (of which there are 4 reserved). For every 12th person attending we get a free place which will bring the cost down per person by about £23.
Deal is 2 nights bed and breakfasts and 3 rounds of golf
Currently, we don't have prices for any other options (1 night, etc.) but I'm sure that these'll follow dependant on demand.
Anybody who wishes to come needs to have paid £35 deposit by the end of January. Shaun is still in the process of moving account SO DON'T PAY UNTIL THE NEW ACCOUNT DETAILS ARE KNOWN!
Love and peace guys,
New year same story | Tuesday 07/01/25
And a happy new year to you and your families :)
The Christmas fixture has come and gone, with Jimmy Harrison winning on the day with 38 points which, once again, proves the age old addage that anyone can win when the pressures off.
Big thanks to outgoing captain Pete Sears who brought some order back to proceedings after the debacle of James Field reign.
Big welcome to incoming captain Paul Read and he'll be ably assisted by Jimmy Harrison (so next season will be a joke).
Main talking points from the AGM:
Should a players society's handicap be aligned to their club handicap (should they be in one), after discussion we decided that a players society handicap will remain separate and will not be adjusted.
Weekend Away : Several options were on the table, but the decision is that Ullesthorpe will be this year’s destination. More details will follow as and when they become available.
Jimmy also suggested that we add £5 to the cost of each fixture that would divvied up by the top 3 players on the day. This idea was rejected as it came from Jimmy.
We agreed that if a member had paid to come to a round and then couldn't attend at the last minute they wouldn't get their money back if we've prepaid or we're contracted. If we pay on the day we will try and get your money back for you.
We didn't discuss it at the AGM but as it's Captain's choice...
This years charity will be It's OK To Be Not OK (It's OK not to be OK || The global mental health awareness campaign)
And finally a reminder not to pay any monies to the Society account as Shaun is going the process of moving the account, once details are known they'll be advertised.
New members joining up are Clarke and Ross, big welcome to both.
That's it I think so, stay safe and I'll see thee in March.
Fixtures and other ramblings | Monday 02/12/24
It's that time of the year again, you know the time where I upload the fixtures for the following they're all ready for your perusal on the fixtures page. Paul O'Mahony is currently deciding which one's he's going to win so we can all base our attendance on whether or not it's gonna be worth it.
Couple of things, a few members are downgrading to guests (actually ot sure that's much of a downgrade tbh). Those being Tim, Dan and Steve Lowe. Also, and on a personal level, I can't tell you how happy I was when Paul Read informed me that Tom Butlin wasn't rejoining. In my professional capacity writing code is, for the most part, boring but these lines gave me great pleasure:
if (userName == "Tom Butlin")
guestStatus = true;
Anyway my joy was shortlived by Dave Wrafter then informing me it was all a lie and Tom is still a member.
Also, I've uploaded the fourballs onto the auction page so you can all get bidding on them, which loosely translates to 20 odd blokes all pinging me the same questions 1) "What's my username?" 2) "What's my password?". I'm ready. (@Wayne your username is waynerogersisa, password twat)
Anyways, have a blinding Christmas (or winter break if that's your thang) and I'll see at Ombersley.
if (userName == "Jim Harrison")
gimpStatus = true;
And another one bites the dust | Saturday 05/10/24
Feel good Ombersley saw this years final day and although it was all set up for a showdown with half a dozen or so players in with a chance of winning something, it transpired that James Field slammed the door shut on us all winning the Order of Merit at a canter and Jimmy Harrison found yet another way of clutching Premier league defeat from the jaws of victory. #nimrod
I also forgot to mention last time around that Jimmy said he would have won at Perton but he took his jumper off too late. No, I don't get that either, what I do know is that he needs to start taking some responsibility for his failings and that if he was born 100 years ago the finest surgeons in the land would have taken turns examining him in the hope of understanding mental illness better.
The winner on the day, again, was another of the super bros (TM) with Paul O pipping James by a shot (again). Well played again! On the upside his handicap actually went down this week......
Another season ends the way it started with Captain Sears playing a truly awful tee shot on the 1st, although, in all honestly, he did that on 11 of the 12 fixtures played. You always know where you stand with Pedro. In fairness to him, being captain can wear you down and he has done it for the last 2 years.
Seriously though El Captaino has done a great job this year herding and keeping us cats in order, ably assisted by his sexy sidekick Paul Read. Well done both.
Dave Wrafter has also done a sterling job both in the sorting and booking of the courses that we play. And I bet you didn't know that he's gotta sign contracts with some of them? He's like the Donald Trump of the society but with less hair, and Trumps prolly better at golf if we're being honest.
Last but definately not least is Shaun Hooper keeping our books in order. This is made harder considering most of the time he's having to decipher the numbers coming out of Dave Wrafter's mouth. Tree, tree, tree and tree.
Echoing what Dave and Pete said earlier if we could all pay next years subs (£30) at our earliest to allow for Dave to book up the final 4 fixtures and for Shaun to understand what Dave's telling him.
And a quick thank you from me, the society is nothing without it's members and you're a top bunch of blokes. Long may this continue.
Take it easy chaps and I'll see you in the cold weather :)